Digital leaders
The Digital Leaders are a small group of key stage 2 children who have a keen interest in promoting on-line safety at both school and home. As part of our role, we create and present assemblies which promote using technology safely and how to be safe on-line. We share the steps we need to take if we see anything that upsets or worries us on-line. This includes telling a trusted adult, report and then block.
We have half termly meetings as a group and decide what our assemblies could be about.
We share the ‘game break’ cards which help us to monitor screen time, such as turning off technology one hour before bed time. Also to have a break every thirty minutes, to spend time with our family and friends.
The digital leaders also speak before school plays to remind families not to share other children’s faces, and school emblems on social media, and using emoji’s to cover faces or badges.
Every morning, two Digital Leaders will go and check that all the chrome books are plugged in and charged ready for computing lessons. Therefore everyone will have an opportunity to use them. We have devised a rota to remind us.
Here is a link to the game break cards to think about when using technology;