Tout Hill, Wincanton, Somerset, BA9 9DH
01963 32660

Welcome to Silver Birch Class



Silver Birch class is a mixed year group of year 4 and year 5 children. The year groups will be split for Maths, RE and Music.

Classroom organisation:
Staff: Mrs Brannagan-Fuller is the class teacher.  Mrs Piatrovich and Mrs Browne are  the  teaching assistants.  Mrs Brannagan Fuller and/or Mrs Browne will teach year 4 and 5 maths.  Mrs Browne and/or Mrs Woodcock will teach year 3 and 4 RE.  Mr Bertie will teach year 4 Brass every Thursday morning.  On a Thursday and Friday afternoon year 5 and 6 will be based in Silver Birch class.  Mrs Loftus will teach a session of French on a Thursday afternoon.

Behaviour: There are high expectations for achievement and behaviour as all pupils are able to achieve. We are a restorative justice school so will be using this approach when needed. The class have written their own class charter about how they feel they should behave. All members of the class are able to earn team points for their Saint teams. 

Snack: Please provide your child with a healthy snack such as fruit or a plain biscuit. No oranges or anything with oranges in please.
P.E. Days: Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child comes to school in PE kit on these days. They will remain in their PE kit for the day. They can wear a tracksuit over their kit as it is getting colder now. SWIMMING will start on Thursday 12th September for the autumn term.
Correct kit: All children should wear blue shorts, red t-shirts, white socks, daps
or trainers for PE. Children can wear a jumper outside but not a coat. Please label all kit. Children without kit may be asked to do PE in their uniform if appropriate.
Jewellery: No jewellery including bracelets, earrings or charity bands. Stud earrings only. No earrings on PE days please, if you can’t take out earrings please tape with surgical tape.

Reading books and reading record: Please sign your child’s reading record and mark
how many times they have read to you. Please try to hear your child read daily and help them to develop their comprehension skills by asking them about the text they are reading. This will give them the opportunity to recall and describe events, discuss characters and develop their inference skills. Your child will be given a new book when they have finished their current book.

Homework:  Spelling words will be sent home on a Tuesday. Please support your child to write their sentences using the words provided.

Please ensure the spelling books are returned by Monday.

Maths: Year 4 - Eight maths questions on a Friday.  Please return the following Friday.

Maths Year 5 : - Ten maths questions on a Tuesday.  Please return the following Monday.

Reading Awards:   During celebration assembly (every two weeks) two pupils from each class will be awarded Reader of the Week.  

Attendance: We have a really full timetable so please try to ensure your child is at school every day full of energy to learn.
Picking Up: Please can you let the office know if your child will be picked up by another adult and whether this is regular or a one - off. This will help when dismissing the children.
Availability: Please let the office know if you wish to meet with Mrs Brannagan Fuller or we can also make a phone call if this is easier.

We are looking forward to supporting your children with their learning this year.

The Silver Birch Class Team