Tout Hill, Wincanton, Somerset, BA9 9DH
01963 32660

Military Monday

Military Monday is a club for all the children who have a family member in the armed forces. The children meet regularly on a Monday after school and we aim to hold a family event each half term. We take part in an activity together, have time for to talk, make new friends and have fun!

Mrs Elvish runs Military Monday. Don't forget to keep an eye out for details of our next event in your inbox.  Also please email if the serving member of your family goes away so we can provide your child with support.


We will be starting school based Military Monday soon, but in the meantime I wanted to let you know about what special events we have planned for the children for the coming term.
Firstly, on Monday the 16th of October we are going for a fantastic walk around Stourhead.  The children will be having lunch at 12 noon and we will be leaving for Stourhead at 12.30, returning for 3.30pm.  If you are able to come do please let me know as that will really help with transport.
Secondly, on Tuesday 12th of December from 1.30pm we have an afternoon at Bootmakers.  This will be Christmas craft based and although I'm leaving Safia (Bootmaker's artistic genius) to come up with some fabulous ideas, individual baubles have already been mentioned.  This afternoon will also include their fabulous pizza.  I'm really hoping that by giving so much notice, lots of you will be able to come.  It is the last week before the Christmas holidays and I'm sure it will be a lovely Christmassy afternoon.  Do please let me know if you are able to come, though I do appreciate that situations can be quite fluid regarding deployments etc.