Tout Hill, Wincanton, Somerset, BA9 9DH
01963 32660

At Our Lady's we have the following in place for Prayer and Liturgy:-



Class Prayer and Liturgy (this takes place once a week in each class)

Each class has a Prayer and Liturgy Reflection book and each half term the children plan their Reflections using a four step plan:-

  1. Gather - to introduce the session.  This could be listening to calm and reflecting music, tapping a chime bar or sing 'Come and join the circle.'
  2. Word - sharing a reading from the Gospel.
  3. Response - an activity, for example a five finger prayer, relfecting on the word or holding a pebble and thinking about someone that you would like to ask Jesus to help.
  4. Mission - this is a task to take away, for example - do something helpful at home, invite someone who is lonely to join you at break time etc.

Whole School Prayer and Liturgy (this takes place every Tuesday morning)

Chaplaincy meet with Mrs Girton on a Monday to plan Tuesday's  whole school Prayer and Liturgy.

This is linked to the liturgical season or other religious themes such as Saints, our Values, our Catholic Social Teaching Principles, our Faith week, Anti Bullying week etc.  This is normally led by the Headteacher and members of the Chaplaincy team.


Gospel (this takes place every Monday afternoon)

Every Monday afternoon KS1 and KS2 take it in turns to attend Gospel at St Luke and St Teresa's Church while the others attend Gospel in the school hall led by a member of staff.  Attending Church each fortnight also gives the children an opportunity to meet with our Priest, Father Francis.


Friday Mass

RE is taught in year groups every Friday and each Friday one year group attends Friday Mass at St Luke and St Teresa's Church  at 11.30am.  Parents are also invited to attend.  This is led by Father Francis.


Class Morning Prayer and Liturgy


On the days that a class does not have Class Prayer and Liturgy, whole school Prayer and Liturgy or Gospel,  a morning Prayer and Liturgy reflection takes place before learning starts.  The children listen to some Scripture and/or a Psalm, reflect on this together and say our School Prayer.


Each class also says our school prayer in the morning, a prayer before lunch and a prayer at the end of the school day. 

These are our school prayers:- 

Morning Prayer

Bless us o God as we come to school,

Bless our classmates and our friends,

Bless the staff who help us to learn,

Bless us all o God and guide us through the day,



Lunchtime Prayer

Bless us O God as we sit together
Bless the food we eat today
Bless the hands that made the food
Bless us O God 


End of School Day Prayer

Loving God

Thank you for guiding us through the day.

Thank you for our teachers and our friends.

Thank you for helping us become all we can be.

Guard me Lord in the dark of night

And in the morning send me Light.



Please see our Prayer Progression below.


Prayer to be learnt for each year group

Prayer and Liturgy Policy 

Prayer and Liturgy Timetable 


We also attend Church for our Harvest Celebration, Chaplaincy Commissioning, Christmas Mass and Feast Days.

Crowning of Mary in May is a very special afternoon at Our Lady's with each child taking part in a walk around school  and stopping at different areas to say a prayer.  This is led by Father Francis.  We conclude at the pond area and each child lays a flower around the pond.  Chaplaincy also place a Crown on the statue of Mary.

We also have Advent Reconciliation and Lent Reconciliation services in school led by Chaplaincy.


Singing Praise

Every Thursday after lunch each class meets in the hall for Singing Praise.  This is led by Ruth Jenkins who also runs KS2 Choir.  The staff and children gather together to practise songs of praise, hymns and songs that we sing throughout the year for our special services held either in Church or at school.