Tout Hill, Wincanton, Somerset, BA9 9DH
01963 32660

Our Lady's has a passionate team of  KS2 chaplains, who play a vital role in enhancing and promoting our school values alongside our faith to students, staff and the wider community.  All of our chaplains take joy in wearing their Chaplaincy badge and carrying out different responsibilities.




Chaplaincy Commissioning took place on Monday 25th November at St Luke and St Teresa's Church. Each Chaplain received a badge and certificate and made their promise.  




The Chaplaincy Team meet regularly to review their  Development Plan and consider different ways in which they are strengthening mission, deepening prayer and enabling communion.  


The Chaplaincy Team Aims to:

  • To help the school to grow as a community of faith.
  • To encourage the pupils to live their faith in daily living.
  • To support Liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school.
  • To involve pupils in fundraising for charities.
  • To continue to develop strong links with the Parish.
  • To support the school in its Mission Statement and values.


The meetings give a chance for every Chaplain to share their ideas and together we make decisions about how we can promote the Catholic ethos in the school. Chaplains will have the chance to lead prayer in whole school Prayer and Liturgy, plan and lead charity events throughout the year, monitor class prayer areas and class display boards and help plan prayer events for key points of the Liturgical seasons.  Chaplaincy are also contributing to our school newsletters and the Parish Bulletin too so that our parishioners can learn about their role in school.  Recently we have added a large display board in Church so we are able to share our work with parishioners.


This autumn term Chaplaincy have met for a focused Chaplaincy morning (see photos below) and carried out the following activities:-

Celebrated success from last year's Development Plan.

Planned three new proposals for this year's Development Plan (see below).

Discussed developing interest in Praying the Rosary and made some Rosaries.

Created some new posters to promote the Outdoor Prayer Space which holds a Friday Prayer Club.

Put plans in place to run and improve the use of  the Indoor Prayer Space.

Planned activities for the Indoor Prayer Space (in recognition of Year of Prayer 2024 and leading us towards Jubilee Year from December 2024 through 2025). 

Monitored class prayer space and carried out pupil voice.





Chaplaincy Team Development Plan 2024-2025


Chaplaincy wrote these school prayers last year and they will continue to be used this year.




Loving God 

Thank you for guiding us through the day.

Thank you for our teachers and our friends.

Thank you for helping us become all we can be. 

Guard me Lord in the dark of night. 

And in the morning send me Light.



This is our Indoor Prayer Space

Prayer and Liturgy Class Reflection


Each class prepares their Prayer and Liturgy Class Reflections using a four step plan:-


  1. Gather - to introduce the session. This could be listening to calm and reflecting music, tapping the chime bar or  sing 'Come and join the circle'
  2. Word - Sharing a reading from the Gospel
  3. Response - an activity, for example a five finger prayer, reflecting on the word or holding a pebble and thinking about someone that you would like to ask Jesus to help.
  4. Mission - This is a task to take away, for example  - do something helpful at home, invite someone who is lonely to join you at break time etc.

Advent Reconciliation Service

Chaplaincy team delivered a

Reconciliation Service to all Our Lady's staff and pupils.  The Act of Reconciliation involved the children returning to their classes for a short time to take part in a variety of activities which required them to think about something that they wanted to ask forgiveness for.  For example our younger children in Acorn class thought about something they had done or said that they were sorry for.  They then took a plaster and placed it on a Cross and sat quietly and thought about trying harder next time.


The children then returned to the school hall and

Chaplaincy led the following prayer:- 


Lord, we thank you for the gift of your forgiveness that lightens our step and lifts the burden of guilt from our shoulders.

Lord, we thank you for the gift of your forgiveness that now enables us to open our hearts to others in a spirit of reconciliation.  

Lord, we thank you for the gift of your forgiveness that encourages us to walk your path of truth and justice.  Amen









Chaplaincy Commissioning

This will take place in November. at St Luke and St Teresa's Church, Parents will be invited to attend and Father Francis will deliver the service.  (Photo from last year).