Writing at Our Lady’s
As a school we teach writing using a High-Quality text as the stimulus. This allows for key text examples to be explored alongside grammatical features to work towards a key piece of writing. We use Quality Text Books within our teaching to give the children the opportunity to access a variation of text types and to enhance the children’s vocabulary, within this we celebrate our writing.
• The approach is being used across KS1 and KS2 and looks like the following:
Let’s Explore
The children will explore their text type. Understanding key grammatical concepts and ideas.
Let’s Prepare
The children will work through a systematic sequence of learning to develop the skills they need to write.
Let’s Write
We write using the skills we have learnt. Teachers model using shared writing. The children self-edit their work with guidance from the Teacher to make enhancements and improvements.
Let’s Share
Writing for a Purpose- The children will share their writing by publishing their final drafts and sharing with an audience, eg another class.
What we would like our children to be like as writers by the end of Y6
Our aim is to support our children to develop into passionate, fluent, creative and effective writers. We would like our children to be enthusiastic and motivated – keen to write for purpose and for pleasure – and willing to take risks when communicating their ideas on paper. At each stage of their learning journey, we want our children to take opportunities and meet the challenges that the next phase of their learning will bring with resilience and confidence.
What we would like our children to know and be able to do by the end of Y6
We believe that each child has the right to create a toolkit of writing knowledge and skills, building on prior learning.
What we promise to offer our children in our writing provision