Tout Hill, Wincanton, Somerset, BA9 9DH
01963 32660


It was wonderful welcoming the children back to school today!  They all looked very smart and the new Acorns settled in very quickly this morning - well done Acorns!  We look forward to working with you this year.


Inset Days 2024-2025

Monday and Tuesday 2nd and 3rd September, 4th November, 14th February and 2nd June 2025 







Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Primary School



PE days for each class (autumn term 2024) are as follows:-

Acorn Class - Thursday and Friday

Beech Class - Wednesday and Thursday

Holly Class - Wednesday and Thursday 

Silver Birch Class - Tuesday and Thursday (swimming from 12th September)

Oak Class - Tuesday and Thursday 





Bless us o God as we come to school,

Bless our classmates and our friends,

Bless the staff that help us to learn,

Bless us all o God and guide us through the day



We have now successfully joined The Dunstan Catholic Educational Trust.

Being part of DCET will ensure that Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Primary School will be in a community of Catholic schools where pupils will receive an all-around education rooted in Christian values in a nurturing environment where they can flourish and become lifelong learners and fulfil their potential.

Please use the DCET tab under Our School for further information.


Our school values are the basis for the social, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and moral development of the whole child.


 Love, Curiosity, Stewardship, Respect, Forgiveness, Resilience,


Latest News

No Oranges in school
14/09/2023 10:16 AM

Due to a severe allergy, we cannot have any orange or orange related products in school. 

May Half Term
10/05/2024 2:57 PM

Break Up Friday 24th May- Returning Monday 3rd June.

Sunny Days
10/05/2024 2:55 PM
Now we are finally having some warm sunny days, we ask that your child brings a labelled sun hat and filled water bottle to school. 
If you wish for your child to wear sun screen please apply before school; should they require more, please send a labelled bottle in to school. Please note that your child will be required to apply the sunscreen themselves with supervision.
1/02/2024 2:27 PM

Please do not park on the following; the bus stop, the zigzag lines or on the pavements. 

Thank you.  

No Oranges in school
14/09/2023 10:16 AM

Due to a severe allergy, we cannot have any orange or orange related products in school. 

May Half Term
10/05/2024 2:57 PM

Break Up Friday 24th May- Returning Monday 3rd June.