Tout Hill, Wincanton, Somerset, BA9 9DH
01963 32660

Welcome to Willow Class

All About Our Class

Classroom organisation:
Staff: Miss Knott is the class teacher on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Ward is the class teacher on Thursday and Friday. Mrs Baguley is the teaching assistant every morning and Mrs Berry is the teaching assistant on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons. 

Level of Work: The children will be working within the Year 2 curriculum and this will be differentiated to ensure that all children find their learning stimulating and challenging and supportive at their own individual level.

Seating arrangements: The children will spend short periods on the carpet for whole class teaching, using their whiteboards to ensure active learning, and will be sat in different table groups depending on the task set. In some lessons there will be a range of activities carried out in a carousel so that the children get a wide range of experiences and different styles of learning.

Behaviour: There are high expectations for achievement and behaviour. The children have written their own class agreement that they have all signed. There will be a traffic light display in class where children will move their names to green for good listening and behaviour, orange if they need a reminder of the class rules and then red if the behaviour continues. If your child’s name is on the red traffic light, we use the restorative justice approach in order for the children to talk about their behaviour and think of ways to improve it/fix the problem. We like to celebrate positive behaviour and attitudes towards learning so we also have golden tickets (Raffle tickets) for fantastic learning and behaviour in class. These are put into a jar and two winners picked out at the end of the week. These children will have the opportunity to show Mrs Girton their excellent work.

The children will wash their hands on arrival at school and will be expected to wash
their hands regularly throughout the day. The class also has a snuffle area where the children go to blow their nose, put their tissue in a pedal bin and then wash their hands.

Water bottles: Please provide your child with a water bottle, these will be kept in a
tray in the classroom. Please fill these with water only.

Snack: Year 2 are provided with fruit each day before break time. If you wish to pay for your child to have milk please speak to the office for more details.

P.E. Days: Tuesday with Mr Parfitt and Friday with Mrs Browne. Please ensure that your child comes to school in PE kit on these days. They will remain in their PE kit for the day. They can wear a dark tracksuit on colder days.

Correct kit: All children should wear blue shorts, red t-shirts, white socks, daps
or trainers for PE. Children can wear a jumper outside but not a coat. Please label all kit.

Jewellery: No jewellery including bracelets, earrings or charity bands. Stud earrings only. No earrings on PE days please.

Homework: There will be a home learning task which is explained in the
curriculum newsletter. There will also be optional homework at half term. Maths and Spellings homework will be introduced in Autumn 2.


Reading books and reading record: Please sign your child’s reading record when you have read together. Please try to hear your child read daily and help them to develop their comprehension skills by asking them about the text they are reading. This will give them the opportunity to recall and describe events, discuss characters and develop their inference skills. Your child will be given a new book weekly.


Reading Awards:  When your child achieves 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 reads they will visit Mrs Girton for a headteacher sticker to celebrate their achievement.  During celebration assembly (every two weeks) two pupils from each class will be awarded Reader of the Week.  Their photograph will be placed on the Reader of the Week display board and the reading trophy will be awarded to them for two weeks.  

Attendance: We have a really full timetable so please try to ensure your child is at
school every day full of energy to learn. It is very difficult for us to catch up missed learning and this is a disadvantage to your child's achievement.

Picking Up: Please can you let the office know if your child will be picked up by another adult and whether this is regular or a one - off. This will help when dismissing the children.

Availability: Please let the office know if you wish to meet with us.

Topics: Please see the long term curriculum map for more detail.
Autumn 1 - What was life like in a castle?
Autumn 2 - Are all habitats the same?
Spring 1 - How is life different in two cities?
Spring 2 - Why is it important to keep healthy?
Summer 1 - What do plants need?
Summer 2 - Why do we remember Mary Seacole?

We are all looking forward to having a fantastic year of learning and fun. Thank you so much for all of your support.

Miss Knott and Mrs Ward